NWSA Dance Department Fall Market Vendor Application
Hosted by the Dance Arts Boosters  

Market Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024 (10:00 AM - 3:00 PM)
Set Up: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM / Break Down: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: 1415 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte NC 28216

Spaces provided are 10 feet by 10 feet
$45 per space until October 11, then $60 per space.

2 Steps to complete registration
Step 1: Complete Vendor Registration form below
Step 2: Pay registration fee

Vendor Application Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and benefits the Northwest School of the Arts Dance Department students. These funds are essential to provide the dancers with costuming for curricular dance concerts, master classes that provide exemplary educational opportunities, and field trips that enhance the dancer's educational journey at NWSA.

Pop-up canopies/tents are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED as this is a rain or shine event. Additionally, you must provide your own tables, chairs, and/or any displays needed. This event will be held outdoors with no overhead cover - again, canopies/tents are strongly recommended to protect your merchandise and to be comfortable in the weather conditions.

If you are a Food Truck or Vendor, please note that this event will be held in a parking lot with no electricity and generators will not be provided.

This Pop Up Market is rain or shine pending dangerous conditions.

By submitting an application, you agree to the following:

NWSA Fall Market display spaces will be extended on a first come, first served basis with consideration of the following criteria:

  • Current product offering

  • NWSA Dance Department will make every effort to limit duplication among businesses

  • There will be no refunds or credits issued for accepted space

Submitting an application expresses interest but does not guarantee acceptance. Payment is due at the time of application submission to hold your space. If NWSA Dance Department is unable to accept your application for some reason, your application fee will be refunded.

Pop-Up Market
Vender Registration